“In the Grand Canyon, Arizona has a nat
ural wonder which, so far as I know, is in kind absolutely unparalleled throughout the rest of the world.... Leave it as it is. You cannot improve on it, and man can only mar it. What you can do is to keep it for your children, your children's children, and for all who come after you, as the one great sight which every American....should see.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Nankoweep Basin Exploration
Seventy nine miles, 30,000' of elevation gain loss in this remarkable region.
Eight Days of exploring the spectacular labyrinth of tributary canyons, dozens of arroyos, lush riparian oasis's, and prehistoric Puebloan ruins.
- Climbing Little Nankoweep Canyon-Cool Narrows (This is where 2 boy scouts died in 96 because their foolish leaders lost the route and did not carry enough water.
-Peak bagging the steep crumbly Nankoweep Mesa and Nankoweep Butte.
-Trekking up a drainage to a 300' seasonal waterfall that is not on any map, viewed by very few human eyes.
-Discovering granaries on barely accessible ledges high on canyon walls. Finding amazingly-intact artifacts including metates (concave stones used for food preparation) corn cobs and original stored wood.
-Scoring 8 cans of Guinness from a river group.
The group came from varied back grounds and locations. All were very seasoned canyoneers. Everyone did very well, although a couple got very testy on the last leg of the climb out.
After over 75 inner canyon trips and 2500 miles logged in the Grand Canyon this incredible trip may be the best.
Men Behaving Badly
Lorenzo and Jake the last time we did Nankoweep in June two years ago. They both tried to work over an old man (me) after a disagreement at the end. Their heat, stress and fatigue ignited a major blow up and them ganging up on me. John H was on my side and Dingo sat back and let them punch me!!!!
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