

It’s the Time of the Season.

What's your name?
Who's your daddy?
Is he rich like me?
Has he taken any time
To show you what you need to live?

I have been waiting almost 40 years to see the Zombies. Riding the wave of the British Invasion, they came to Reno in the spring of 1965 and played at the Centennial Coliseum. Their initial hit, “She’s Not There” hit #2 on the American charts. “Tell Her No” also reached the top 10. Sometimes I flash back to 65-- Sitting at the Cow Palace Drive In with my friends listening to the Zombies on the radio.
Their sound was utterly unique and I immediately had a passion for their haunting melodies. I also was passionate for Jill, a blue eyed blonde who worked concessions at the Coliseum. Her friend and coworker Mary was dating my good friend Doug Damon. (The Fabulous SPOOK) Doug was even more passionate about Mary. –Along comes Maryeeeeeeee

Jill and Mary were asked to pick up the Zombies at the airport and were of course, delighted. Spook and I were somewhat less than delighted, I mean like, the Zombies could steal our girlfriends!

We got drunk on Colt 45s, yet another passion of ours, and I don’t even remember seeing the concert.
Afterward, Jill and Mary went on and on, talking about the Zombies. Spook and I were very jealous and although we loved their music, we wanted to pound the Zombies.

In 1969 the Zombies had been defunct for some time when one of the tracks from their album Odyssey, “Time of the Season,” was released as an afterthought and became a million seller. I absolutely loved that song, as well as my current passion, Gerry.
Being together and listening to that song was as good as it gets. (And still is)

The Zombies were coming to Cooperstown, Alice Cooper’s club in downtown Phoenix. Now I would have my chance. To see them that is.

Zo and I arrived early. Gerry had a work conflict.
There were many groupies there. Some had Argent albums. Rod Argent had formed that group and had a #5 hit in 1972-“Hold Your Head Up”

El Lobo scored a Zombie’s collector’s guide and a 60s style concert poster. So cool!!
The concert was up close and personal. The group is defined by Colin Blunstone’s breathy vocals, choral backup harmonies and Rod Argent’s jazz.
Both were on stage, as well as a 20 year member of the Kinks and a former member of Procol Harem.
They played a string of intricately arranged singles including “I love you”, written by Argent but made a hit by the group, People in 1968. A number of lost classics, some relegated to B-sides that were virtually unheard in the 60s as well as Argent’s hits were well received by the appreciative and loyal crowd.
As I pounded back my fourth Foster’s Oil Can, they closed with “She’s Not There”

“Well let me tell you about the way she looked
The way she acted and the color of her hair
Her voice was soft and cool; her eyes were clear and bright

The crowd, already at frenzy, went wild. It was at this point where I totally lost my mind; it was incomprehensible that anything could be this good.

They came out for a double encore and then signed autographs.
This one goes down in my top 25.

Note: She’s Not there is # 4 and Time of the Season is # 21 on my all time top 350.

Well that’s it, concert number 445 - lifetime list, on the road to 500. Thanks to Zo for going.

Men Behaving Stupidly

- Jake, for telling Zo that this would be the worst concert of all time.

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