Give me silence, water, hopeGive me struggle, iron, volcanoes -Neruda
The Sierra club hike description asked the question "Are you ready for adawnto dusk test of your endurance? Lorenzo and I both foolishly answered yestothat question and were not disappointed.This hike involved a challenging ascent from Carney Springs to South peakandcontinued across the prominent ridgeline that defines the Western boundaryofthe Superstitions all the way past the flatiron and down Siphon Draw.For a good part of the hike we were looking down on Weaver's needle.At our break, Lorenzo casually mentioned that he had forgotten his lunch. Ioffered to share mine, but he politely declined. I think that Lorenzothoughtthat he would get El Lobo demerits if he ate some of my lunch. Later in thehike he reconsidered, and accepted a 1/2 piece of chicken. Lorenzo alwaysunselfishly shares his snicker bars with the group, so he had many creditsthat offset a possible demerit.After 9000' of elevation gain/loss and 12 overland miles of sufferingthroughsteep climbs and contact with prickly vegetation we pulled into LostDutchman's State Park to find that our ride was not there. He had quit andgone back before finishing the first mile. Sean, our ride, had my car keys,cellphone and gear and apparently went home with them. We finally reachedSean at home via the leader's cell phone, and found out that he had hid mystuff back at Carney Springs. So what's the problem? After a long drivebackto Carney Springs, searching and locating my bag I finally joined the restofthe group at a Mexican restaurant in Apache Junction. This particularSierraClub group are strong hardy hikers and friendly, fun people. The cervezasandmargaritas went down real smooth allowing for further dehydration of ourbodies.Dinner in Apache Junction was a slice of life. While waiting to use therestroom with a high sense of urgency, I was approached by a snowbird thatdemanded that he be next to use the facility. He felt his age gave him priority. I explained that I really needed to go, but would be real quick.Hethen asked if we could share the same urinal.I opted to let him go ahead and did a dance waiting while he took forever.Iknocked on the door and pleaded with him and finally he exited and scowled"Wait till you get old" at me. I told him I was old, and my bladder was nowruined. He didn't appear to care.Overall, I rate this hike a 9.3. Great company, splendid views, and abrilliant display of wildflowers due to the wet winter.
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