
JTree-Crack Climbing

"How I Love Being a Free Man"
Me & You & A Dog Named Boo-Lobo- 4/71

Lobo just returned from three fabulous days of climbing at JTree California. (Joshua Tree National Park) This event was hosted by REI and managed by Vertical Hold and Wilderness Outings whom provided guide service and instructors.
Vendors, included Black Diamond, Montrail, Mad Rock, La Sportiva, Scarpa, Five-Ten, Prahna and Petzl.

El Lobo left a happy man, sporting new demo shoes, climbing shirts, chalk bags, and a nut tool/knife.

I needed more gear!!!

Clinics included Crack Climbing, Anchors, and Friction Climbing Techniques.

I was able to get in 12 climbs at Cap Rock and the Atlantis Wall.

"El Lobo Grandeeee nailed a 10Deeeeeee at JTreeeeeeeeee was chanted around the evening campfire by some of the group while we enjoyed a few adult beverages-OK, it was only me doing the chanting.
My El Lobo moniker was eventually replaced with "Hog" (Hot Old Guy) by a few of the women participating. Hey-I'll take it!!

We camped at Sheep Pass and Mexican dinners were provided by Ed Chadas. Continental Breakfasts were offered in the mornings.

Last night we enjoyed a special showing of "Parallelojams," a climbing movie that Jim Donini co-produced on crack climbing in Indian Creek Utah. Jim is one of the premier crack climbers in the world. He invited me up to Indian Creek to spend a few days with him, and I jumped on the invitation.

This event is rated a 10++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I made many friends and contacts, had a great time and learned a ton!

"You Crack Me Up"

Respectfully Submitted

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